Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July-A wonderful time was had at my sisters home in Tally.  There was plenty of good food, family and friends.  The evening fireworks were a "blast".  After all was said and done we worked hard to get the home back in order.  Prior forth of July celebrations have been in Provo and local settings.  They are all enjoyed---unless you get to close to the discharge area and you get an eyeful of ashes--not recommended!!!  


Melissa said...

Yeah, Gaga has joined the blogging world! You will love it, and now I can see what ya'll do, since I do not live there anymore! I LOVE the name, the Gaga Gazette, cute! I can tell you will be awesome at this!

LESLIE said...

Hey GaGa!! What an appropriate name!! After all, that is how you are labeled in my cell phone! You know you can print your blog out at the end of the year in a book? That way it's a journal of your family for the year! Basically, "blogging" is keeping the commandments!

Lindsay said...

Hooray, we have another blogger in the family! We miss everyone so much, but we will be there soon. We look forward to seeing everyone!

Katheryn said...

Hi Gretchen, I saw the link to your page on Leslie's blog. You need to post some pictures of your children. It has been so long since I have seen all of you. They are probably almost completely grown up now! Love, Katheryn